Girls' Generation: Catch Me If You Can MV και who's who

4/10/2015 01:41:00 μ.μ. | | | | | | | | | | | | 0 Comments

Girls' Generation Catch Me If You Can Cover
Η πρώτη κυκλοφορία των Girls' Generation (소녀시대, So Nyeo Si Dae, Σόνιο Σιντέ) , ως 8μελές group μετά τη φυγή της Jessica έχει τελικά και κορεατική έκδοση.

Το MV του Catch Me If You Can έχει ήδη φτάσει 950 χιλιάδες προβολές 7 ώρες μετά το ανέβασμά του:

Girls' Generation's (소녀시대, So Nyeo Si Dae) first release as an 8-member group has a Korean version too.

The music video of Catch Me If You Can has already 950 thousand views on its first 7 hours since the upload:

Τα ηχητικά teaser που είχαν βγει δεν είχαν προκαλέσει ακριβώς ενθουσιασμό και το ίδιο συμβαίνει και με το τραγούδι, δεν είναι και χάλια αλλά δεν είναι και από τα καλυτερα (συγκρίνοντάς το με το Mr. Taxi το οποίο έφτασε χθες τις 100 εκ. προβολές) . Από τα λίγα τραγούδια που ένα remix θα το βελτίωνε.

Το MV είναι γυρισμένο σε ενα λατομείο και εστιάζει στη χορογραφία, είναι από την ίδια χορογράφο (MissAndyeJ) που επιμελήθηκε των χορογραφιών των Spellbound των TVXQ και Swing των Super Junior-M. Τα κορίτσια μας κολάζουν μέρες που είναι (αυτό είναι στα πολύ θετικά της κυκλοφορίας) και αξιοσημείωτο είναι πως επιτέλους προβάλλονται μέλη τα οποία δεν προβαλλόντουσαν τόσο πολύ - οι Yuri, Hyoyeon, Sooyoung και Yoona. Βέβαια έπρεπε να φύγει η Jessica για να γίνει αυτό αλλά δε βαριέσαι.

Οι Girls' Generation είναι οι:

Kim Taeyeon (김태연, Κιμ Τεγιόν) - 9/3/1989
Sunny (써니, Σάνι*) - 15/5/1989
Tiffany (티파니, Τίφανι)  - 1/8/1989
Kim Hyoyeon (김효연, Κιμ Χιογιόν) - 22/7/1989
Kwon Yuri (권유리, Κουόν Γιουρί) - 5/12/1989
Choi Sooyoung (최수영, Τσόι Σουγιόνγκ) - 10/2/1990
Im Yoona (임윤아, Ιμ Γιούνα) - 30/5/1990
Seohyun (서현, Σοχιόν) - 28/6/1991

* σύμφωνα με τα hangul προφέρεται στο περίπου Σόνι αλλά ας είμαστε σοβαροί. Έτσι κι αλλιώς κάθε μετατροπή ονόματος στα ελληνικά σε αυτό το blog γίνεται προσεγγιστικά :).

Screencaps από το Catch Me If You Can και ποια είναι ποια:
The sound teasers weren't promising and the song isn't something special either. It isn't bad but it's not one of their best (especially compared to Mr. Taxi that reached 100 million views yesterday). It's one of the few K-pop songs that a remix would improve it.

The Music Video is shot in a quarry, it showcases the choreography which is made by the same person (MissAndyeJ) that made the choreograpies of Spellbound by TVXQ and Swing by Super Junior-M. Girls are sexy as hell and in this release the focus is mainly on Yuri, Hyoyeon, Sooyoung and Yoona. Jessica had to leave for this to happen but life goes on.

Girls' Generation are:

Taeyeon (태연) - 9/3/1989
Sunny (써니) - 15/5/1989
Tiffany (파니)  - 1/8/1989
Hyoyeon (효연) - 22/7/1989
Yuri (유리) - 5/12/1989
Sooyoung (수영) - 10/2/1990
Yoona (윤아) - 30/5/1990
Seohyun (서현) - 28/6/1991

Screencaps from Catch Me If You Can and who's who:
Girls' Generations' Hyoyeon in Catch Me If You Can MV
Hyoyeon - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Hyoyeon in Catch Me If You Can MV
Hyoyeon - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Hyoyeon in Catch Me If You Can MV
Hyoyeon - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Hyoyeon in Catch Me If You Can MV
Hyoyeon - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Hyoyeon in Catch Me If You Can MV
Hyoyeon - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Seohyun in Catch Me If You Can MV
Seohyun - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Seohyun in Catch Me If You Can MV
Seohyun - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Seohyun in Catch Me If You Can MV
Seohyun - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Seohyun in Catch Me If You Can MV
Seohyun - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Seohyun in Catch Me If You Can MV
Seohyun - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Sooyoung in Catch Me If You Can MV
Sooyoung - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Sooyoung in Catch Me If You Can MV
Sooyoung - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Sooyoung in Catch Me If You Can MV
Sooyoung - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Sooyoung in Catch Me If You Can MV
Sooyoung - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Sooyoung in Catch Me If You Can MV
Sooyoung - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Sooyoung in Catch Me If You Can MV
Sooyoung - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Sooyoung in Catch Me If You Can MV
Sooyoung - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Sooyoung in Catch Me If You Can MV
Sooyoung - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Sunny in Catch Me If You Can MV
Sunny  - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Sunny in Catch Me If You Can MV
Sunny  - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Sunny in Catch Me If You Can MV
Sunny  - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Sunny in Catch Me If You Can MV
Sunny  - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Sunny in Catch Me If You Can MV
Sunny  - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Sunny in Catch Me If You Can MV
Sunny  - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Taeyeon in Catch Me If You Can MV
Taeyeon - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Taeyeon in Catch Me If You Can MV
Taeyeon - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Taeyeon in Catch Me If You Can MV
Taeyeon - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Taeyeon in Catch Me If You Can MV
Taeyeon - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Taeyeon in Catch Me If You Can MV
Taeyeon - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Taeyeon in Catch Me If You Can MV
Taeyeon - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Tiffany in Catch Me If You Can MV
Tiffany - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Tiffany in Catch Me If You Can MV
Tiffany - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Tiffany in Catch Me If You Can MV
Tiffany - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Tiffany in Catch Me If You Can MV
Tiffany - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Tiffany in Catch Me If You Can MV
Tiffany - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Yoona in Catch Me If You Can MV
Yoona - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Yoona in Catch Me If You Can MV
Yoona - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Yoona in Catch Me If You Can MV
Yoona - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Yoona in Catch Me If You Can MV
Yoona - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Yoona in Catch Me If You Can MV
Yoona - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Yoona in Catch Me If You Can MV
Yoona - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Yoona in Catch Me If You Can MV
Yoona - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Yoona in Catch Me If You Can MV
Yoona - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Yuri in Catch Me If You Can MV
Yuri - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Yuri in Catch Me If You Can MV
Yuri - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Yuri in Catch Me If You Can MV
Yuri - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Yuri in Catch Me If You Can MV
Yuri - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Yuri in Catch Me If You Can MV
Yuri - Catch Me If You Can
Girls' Generations' Yuri in Catch Me If You Can MV
Yuri - Catch Me If You Can